Now, as we're such the web-savvy happy bunch we are, you'd be better off knowing that the average Ebay.com & Ebay.co.uk price for the console is 10₤, 15 euros or 19$. Again, expect slightly higher prices for boxed, 100% unused or Japanese consoles. Naturally, both this very blog and Retro Treasures will strive to alert you for any bargains, so ...uh... guess you should keep reading us. Please?
Anyway. Back to the Master System I - II subject. First of all, the original Master System is slightly rarer, especially in Europe. Then again, it's usually slightly more expensive too. Also, it features a handy reset button, a card slot (allowing the use of some pretty wacky peripherals such as the 3d glasses and a small variety of card-only games) and a very 80s, very interesting pyramid shaped design. The SMS 2, on the other hand, always comes with a built-in game (either Alex Kidd or Sonic) is slightly smaller and way more curvy.
The system's games -not the particularly rare ones, mind you- usually come with a price tag of 3-10$, and you can find tons of them, both at Ebay and even brand new ones at Amazon
That's really interesting how in Europe the Master System II is more common than the I. It's the exact opposite here in the States. I myself paid $100 for mine, only because it was the 3-D glasses-included version with the original box.
I do have to say that I am jealous of the European region. You guys got way more games than we did, but it's a good thing that there's no region-locking.
100$ is rather steep, but I must admit the 3d glasses are ulta rare and were expensive even back in the day. I'd really love to give 'em a try you know...
Jealous of the Euro region? But, but, we get everything last (well, besides the latest Mario footy) and overpriced. The number of SMS games is one of the rare perks.
I got the 3D glasses with mine but one of the stems is missing and the cord is gone as well.
The original power base looks pretty damn cool! Of course it takes up alot of room though...
When are you going to talk about the phaser guns?
I got two of them and I gotta say they are pretty damn cool.
I'll get into the light guns asap. Just gotta grab one and a couple of games...
Or, in the immortal words of Mannuel: "eventually"!
Great article Gnome! May I also say how splendidly the MSJY is shaping up! I will endaevour to make a valid contribution ASAP!
Pretty soon we will be playing new versions of all these games, remakes just like they do with the movies...
Why, thank you oh Father, the SMJY is waiting for your wise contributions... ASAP, of course...
Doesn't sound like such a bad idea, does it now Deitrix?
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