Well I've been trawling Google Image for some eye candy, to herald the move of
'Master System Monday' from
Gnomes Gaming On The Go , to it's new home over here on The Master System Junkyard.

My blogging skills are at an all time low, I just don't seem to have the energy or creativity to post anything of relevance. Still, the
need to blog is undiminished, and the sterling work of the mighty
Gnome, must not continue unsupported!

So, I've cobbled together a series of illustrations that have some connection to the
Master System. If I was more talented, I'd have created some montage worthy of
Peter Blake. But I'm not, so you'll have to just see them in their individual glory...

What is perhaps worthy of a mention however, is the source of the sulking Harrison Ford oil painting. It's from an art exhibition entitled
"I Am 8 Bit". Consisting of art inspired by retro video games, this is a veritable feast for the eyes. Apart from the obvious
Master System tributes, there are some lovely
Nintendo and
Pacman inspired pieces.

Plus there was an accompanying set from the wonderful
"8BitWeapon"... Check 'em out... They rock!

Lovely SMS eye-candy FK... Think I saw a pretty weird multi-game pic there too...
I'm sorry you think your blogging skills have reached a low point, but like gnome said lovely eye-candy. Good job.
Why Thank you Ryan! That means a lot! having the mighty Gnome as my inspiration, sometimes I can only look poor by comparison! Still, every now and then I do manage to hit the Jackpot. I need to play some more Master System games and do some reviews, that might work...
individualised art far better than a montage.. and from the rarity of those images, proof that you've got Gnomes wand...
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