And in case you've lost your console's manual and can't remember how to actually access Snail Maze, well, here's what to do: Turn on the console (without having a cartridge inserted), pick up the controller and press up and both fire buttons. Simple as that.
Yeah my Master System as a child had that, and so does my current one. I've never really had the patience to get past the second level. Still fun that there's a built-in game for the Master System, but other version of the system had more exciting games.
Not hidden though, right? Or are there more hidden little gems?
If you want to play Snail Maze, another legit (and portable!) way is via the SMS-in-a-handheld sold by PlayPal or Coleco. Fry's has them for $20:http://tinyurl.com/2o8wfy
Ah, yes! The amazing PlayPal console.... But unfortunately they don't ship them to Europe I think. Anyway, thanks a ton for the info.
Yeah, you're right they weren't hidden. Wow, I hadn't heard of the PlayPal. Intrigueing, perhaps I might look into getting one one of these days.
I'd get one too, but I can't see to find how to have it brought across the Atlantic really... Silly region thingies...
You see? I knew this was going to be a good venture... Well done Gnome!
Thank you Father. Apparently, anything's possible...
(scratchs head....) wasn't hidden very well... i'ts almost like they wanted people to find it....
...im missing the point her aren't I?
Well, uh, no, definitely not. Sega was...
What was the original game that the maze was before...where you are a ninja????
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