Holy Master Systems Batman!
It gives me VERY great pleasure to register my arrival on this particular site.
At some point in this esteemed blog's lifespan, I will transfer all my Master System allegiances and wafflings, from GGOTG to this wonderful establishment. Then mine and Gnome's blogging partnership will continue to grow like a stick of celery deprived of sunlight...
For the time being, I'll throw in a piece of Master System advertising from Youtube, so you can familiarise yourself with it's fabulousness... A lazy blogger's trick I know...Expect something a little better in the future!
How does a stick of celery deprived of sunlight grow?
Welcome oh FK. Soon I'll post something and you'll be able to welcome me too :)
Due to it's thinking it's below the soil, it grows tall and fast!
Aha! Like a celery it is then...
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