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Friday, June 1, 2007

Well Look Who's Here...

Holy Master Systems Batman!

It gives me VERY great pleasure to register my arrival on this particular site.

At some point in this esteemed blog's lifespan, I will transfer all my Master System allegiances and wafflings, from GGOTG to this wonderful establishment. Then mine and Gnome's blogging partnership will continue to grow like a stick of celery deprived of sunlight...

For the time being, I'll throw in a piece of Master System advertising from Youtube, so you can familiarise yourself with it's fabulousness... A lazy blogger's trick I know...Expect something a little better in the future!


gnome said...

How does a stick of celery deprived of sunlight grow?

Welcome oh FK. Soon I'll post something and you'll be able to welcome me too :)

fatherkrishna said...

Due to it's thinking it's below the soil, it grows tall and fast!

gnome said...

Aha! Like a celery it is then...